rDME Couplings

rDME couplings are redesigned to make them perfectly capable of transferring rDME blended into LPG in any concentration thinkable used for loading and un­load­ing of liq­ue­fied pe­tro­le­um gas LPG and various other gaseous media.

The rDME couplings are op­ti­mized for con­nec­tion and dis­con­nec­tion at higher working pressure (up to 25 bar).

Material:Stainless Steel
Working pressure25 bars

Available with threaded and flanged connections, for both hose unit and tank unit

MannTek Unveils the Future of LPG: Cenkiz Tesson describes MannTeks rDME Coupling Innovation

At MannTek we have redesigned our couplings to make them perfectly capable of transferring rDME blended into LPG in any concentration thinkable.” – Cenkiz Tesson, LPG Business Developer Manager

Technical data

SocketThreaded connectionsFlanged connectionsFlow rateMaterialsSeals
Dry Gas Coupling DGC Technical specification2” (DN50)70 mm1½”, 2” BSP, NPT, ACME ANSI & ENUp to 900 L/min Specified in configuratorFKM/LT

Innovative accessories

Colour coding Innovative Accessories

Colour coding

For a clear assignment of coupling and medium, the body, flange and handles of our couplings are available in any…

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Flogas AB

Flogas AB in Sweden is an example of a LPG company that managed the transition to and the use of…

All about the case

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