Dry Gas Coupling DGC Dry Aviation Coupling DAC Dry Cryogenic Coupling DCC Dry Evotek Coupling DEC Dry Disconnect Coupling DDC Coupling

Quality through innovation and experience

Through innovation, skillful ded­i­cat­ed teams, none or min­i­mized pro­duc­tion planning and au­to­mat­ed computer-con­trolled pressure testing, in­de­pen­dent op­er­a­tors re­spon­si­ble for quality and total pro­duc­tion cycle, we guar­an­tee quality and safety beyond the limits. Our customized couplings and solutions makes handling of aggressive fluids and gases spill free and safe. Our products are produced ac­cord­ing to im­por­tant stan­dards such as ISO9001:2015, PED and a number of product ap­provals.

Breakaway Couplings

The most reliable release mechanism with exceptional low spillage rage. Safety at its best. There are two types of release…

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Our couplings give exceptional safety. Tested and designed in the toughest way and produced in 100% traceable materials. Spill-free, safe…

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Dry Evotek Couplings

New generation of dry couplings which have been developed especially for use in the chemical industry.

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Full flow ball valves

With traditional built in measurements. Optimized for full flow and easy maintenance.

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Innovative accessories

For every product there are accessories. We customize your products with the details that makes the solution complete.

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Swivel joints

Our swivel joints are rigid and sustainable. The answer for a reliable and safe solution.

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Sakigake – a pioneer of ammonia-fuled vessels

Sakigake is the world’s first ammonia fueled vessel for commercial use. Manntek has been the provider of the couplings and…

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Fortescue is one step closer to green shipping

One of the first bunkerings using an ammonia driven vessel was a supply ship in Singapore. This collaboration builds on…

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Safe and practical solution to increase maritime availability of methanol

Methanol plays an important role in the media mix for rapid, cross-sector decarbonisation – but often does not receive the…

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