Manntek plays a significant role in the building of the world’s first sLH2 refuelling station.

Teaming up with Linde En­gi­neer­ing, Daimler Truck has built the world’s first Sub­cooled Liquid Hydrogen (sLH2) re­fu­el­ing station in Wörth/Rhein. The new public sLH2 re­fu­el­ing station sets a bench­mark in terms of energy ef­fi­cien­cy and per­for­mance and the project aims to set the industry standard for hydrogen fueling.

MannTeks coupling solution makes it all possible by pro­vid­ing a tight con­nec­tion to the at­mos­phere, a robust thermal in­su­la­tion and making the process safe without any spillage after dis­con­netion. The sLH2 tech­nol­o­gy also allows for high flow delivery of more than 400 kg of hydrogen per hour and filling 80 kg of liquid hydrogen can be com­plet­ed in ten to fifteen minutes. In short, making the tran­si­tion to using sLH2 as a fuel safe, fast and simple.

”This project has shown that liquid hydrogen is a part of the future of green fuels and trans­porta­tion – and our coupling makes this possible”, says Guanying Li, Senior Engineer LH2. “This ini­tia­tive from Daimler Truck and Linde En­gi­neer­ing shows that the world is ready for the next move”, adds Gerhard Kopplin, Tech­ni­cal Director.

Aim: To set the industry standard for liquid hydrogen fueling

Daimler Truck and Linde En­gi­neer­ing are aiming to es­tab­lish a common re­fu­el­ing standard for hydrogen-powered trucks, the tech­nol­o­gy is made openly avail­able to all in­ter­est­ed parties via an ISO standard. As a result, both com­pa­nies offer a high level of trans­paren­cy and openness around the relevant in­ter­faces of the jointly de­vel­oped sLH2 tech­nol­o­gy.

The MannTek team is very much a part of the process of setting the new global stan­dards for the industry. This includes stan­dards for both the fueling protocol and the coupling process, con­tain­ing both the in­ter­face-geo­met­rics and tech­no­log­i­cal re­quire­ments.

 Now Daimler Truck and Linde En­gi­neer­ing call upon other OEMs, in­fra­struc­ture com­pa­nies and as­so­ci­a­tions to apply the new liquid hydrogen standard and thereby es­tab­lish a global mass market for the process.

Lighthouse project

Daimler Truck and Linde En­gi­neer­ing are now also ini­ti­at­ing a light­house project where five com­pa­nies are chosen to gain first ex­pe­ri­ence in CO2-free long-distance trans­port with Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck which will be refuelled at the now open public sLH2 re­fu­el­ing station. The liquid hydrogen is provided by Linde, which has the largest liquid hydrogen capacity and dis­tri­b­u­tion system in the world.

”Liquid hydrogen is one part of the answer to create a climate neutral trans­port in­fra­struc­ture and MannTek have the answer how to manage it safely. We are happy and proud to be a part of this and excited to see our product be a part of the sus­tain­able trans­port future. De­vel­op­ing global standard and so­lu­tions in a close col­lab­o­ra­tion with our clients like this is how we do our best work. That’s what we call the MannTek way”, says Markus Bäck­ström, CEO MannTek.

MannTek sLH2 nozzle system

Below we have given some short notes on what our products are doing at the sLH2 refueling station through screenshots from the pressfilm above.

The MannTek LH2 nozzle (DN20 – nozzle with pneumatic activation) is removed from the heated parking adaptor.

Truck driver pushes and turns the nozzle clockwise to the mechanical stop, indication sign is shown on the protection cover.

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller, monitoring and control unit) reads sensors and signals that the nozzle is connected.

Truck driver presses the start button on the PLC.
The PLC reads sensors and provides pressure until it detects a full tank and shuts off the pump.  

The PLC is communicating that the process is done and you can see a summary of the refuelling process in the display.
Then return the nozzle back to the heated parking adaptor.

White Paper Requirements Specification – Subcooled Liquid Hydrogen Fuelling Process for Ground Vehicles.
Read more on Clean Energy Partnership website.

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