Meet us at India Energy Week!

We are excited to invite you to join us at India Energy Week 2025, stand 2H60, from 11 – 14 February in New Delhi India.

This year, we will bring our best features and solutions to share with you! Our team is working hard to prepare a showcase of our products and solutions, tailored to meet your specific needs.

We invite you to stop by our booth to engage in discussions on a variety of interesting and relevant topics for today and the future!

Read more about India Energy Week

Read more about the event and book your visit at their website:

Who can you meet?

Some of the experts you can meet in our booth are:

Manntek Contact us Manan Shah

Manan Shah
General Manager
+91 9558 825 855

Manntek Contact Rickard Axelsson

Rickard Axelsson
Key Account Manager
+46 501 39 32 12

Darshan Suthar
Senior Engineer
+91 955 880 340

Patrick Velten
Regional Manager
ELAFLEX HIBY Asia-Pacific PTE Ltd.
+65 9 877 5664

Manntek Contact us CFO

Mikael Welin
Deputy Director, Global CFO

Manntek Contact us Alexander Harsema-Mensonides

Alexan­der Harsema-Men­sonides
Business De­vel­op­er
MannTek So­lu­tions
+46 72 15 72 474

Read more about what we can offer

We are the leading man­u­fac­tur­er of LNG so­lu­tions and LNG bunker­ing systems but we can also supply solutions for other fluids such as Hydrogen, Methanol and Ammonia.

Related products

Dry Cryo­genic Cou­plings are designed for use of cryo­genic ap­pli­ca­tions/medias, read more here

rDME cou­plings are re­designed to make them per­fect­ly capable of trans­fer­ring rDME blended into LPG in any con­cen­tra­tion think­able used for loading and un­load­ing of liq­ue­fied pe­tro­le­um gas LPG and various other gaseous media. Read more here

Powered Emergency Release Coupling PERC, the ability to actively and remotely release the coupling without strain on the transfer system, read more here


Cases are real-life examples where our products are successfully implemented and utilized, demonstrating their practical application and showcasing the outcomes achieved.

Teaming up with Linde En­gi­neer­ing, Daimler Truck has built the world’s first Sub­cooled Liquid Hydrogen (sLH2) re­fu­el­ing station in Wörth/Rhein. The new public sLH2 re­fu­el­ing station sets a bench­mark in terms of energy ef­fi­cien­cy and per­for­mance and the project aims to set the industry standard for hydrogen fueling.

First ship in the world to run on liquid hydrogen

On March 31, 2023, the ferry Hydra made its maiden voyage as the world´s first hydrogen-powered ship. On board is state of the art tech­nol­o­gy from MannTek. – Their spill free quick con­nec­tors make it possible to refuel with liquid hydrogen, re­quir­ing a tem­per­a­ture of minus 253 degrees, explains Erlend Hovland, Chief Tech­ni­cal Officer at Norled.

MannTek provides all couplings in world’s first Carbon, Capture & Storage project

On March 8th, Project Green­sand ini­ti­at­ed First Carbon Storage, the world’s first, cross-border offshore CO2 storage project. MannTek provides all the cou­plings in the dis­tri­b­u­tion chain.

MannTek provides FSRU-LNG terminal with LNG transfer system

In Sep­tem­ber, Deutsche ReGas started the con­struc­tion of an LNG (liq­ue­fied natural gas) terminal in Lubmin in the north­east of Germany. Being the leading man­u­fac­tur­er of easy- to-use, reliable LNG transfer systems and LNG bunker­ing systems in the world, Manntek provides all the cou­plings and so­lu­tions in the dis­tri­b­u­tion chain.

Lubmin harbour
Lubmin harbour, Germany
LNG solutions bunkering transfer system Avenir Accolade
LNG solutions bunkering transfer system Avenir Accolade

Avenir Accolade

Avenir LNG, is a joint venture con­sist­ing of Stolt-Nielsen, Hoegh LNG and Golar LNG. We designed and produced a custom-made LNG transfer system for Avenir Accolade and her sister ships.
Henrik Thunborg is our Business De­vel­op­er for LNG. He has a long, deep ex­pe­ri­ence when it comes to LNG and cus­tomized so­lu­tions for dif­fer­ent kind of re­quire­ments and op­er­a­tions where he gives advice and finds the right solution.

Check out our YouTube channel

It all starts with the coupling. No matter if you´re fuelling trucks, ships, aircrafts or even space rockets, MannTek is now closing an important gap in the distribution chain of liquid hydrogen. Because successful liquid hydrogen fuelling all starts with the coupling, and we already have a tested and approved coupling ready to be used.

“I’d like to extend the LNG knowledge to the world, that everybody knows how safe it can be”, says Mikael “Mike” Sandqvist, LNG Manager at MannTek.

MS Coralius was supplied with a LNG Transfer System.
The LNG Transfer System supplied to Coralius included two PERC’s, Dry Cryo­genic Cou­plings, VSD, PERC ac­ti­va­tion and mon­i­tor­ing unit and LNG bunker hoses.

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To stay informed about our latest product developments and projects, be sure to sign up for our newsletter, which we distribute a few times a year. You can find the sign-up form at the bottom of this page.

For more frequent updates on upcoming exhibitions and other events, follow our LinkedIn page.


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