MannTek Design 2.0

Thank you for visiting us at GPCA Forum!

We are de­light­ed that you found our products in­trigu­ing. Below, we have collected information that might be of interest to you.

To stay informed about our latest product de­vel­op­ments and projects, be sure to sign up for our newslet­ter, which we dis­trib­ute a few times a year. You can find the sign-up form at the bottom of this page. For more frequent updates on upcoming ex­hi­bi­tions and other events, follow our LinkedIn page.

Manntek Contact us

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our Business De­vel­op­ment Manager for Middle East & North Africa, Saif Al Btoush

Telephone: +97 1522 025 958

or our sales team at the head office in Sweden

Telephone: +46 501 39 32 00


Here you will find an overview of the products we had at our Booth, and some other products that may be of interest.

Dry Disconnect Coupling for liquid, chemicals, and gases, read more here
Dry Gas Coupling is used for loading and un­load­ing of liq­ue­fied pe­tro­le­um gas LPG and various other gaseous media. Read more here
Dry Cryogenic Coupling for Liquefied Natural Gas LNG, nitrogen and liquified gases, read more here
Safety Coupling Industrial breakaway SBC
Safety Brakaway Coupling, available in breaking pin and cable release version, read more here

Design 2.0

At the exhibition, we showed our Dry Disconnect Coupling and our Dry Gas Coupling with our next-generation design. Both with major improvements to flow per­for­mance and user ex­pe­ri­ence.

MannTek new DCC coupling

If you want to know more about our work with the Design 2.0 Coupling you can read about it here

Design 2.0 – Dry Disconnect Coupling

Design 2.0 – Dry Gas Coupling


Below we have collected some cases where our products have been set, that may be of interest.

Wind mill turbine manufacturer (DK)

Casting tem­per­a­ture is reg­u­lat­ed by a cold and hot water line (+80 C°) – hoses equipped with 2” DDC hose units. Casting fixtures are equipped with the tank units, all in ss material with high temp EPDM O-rings.

Dry disconnect coupling DDC Wind mill turbine manufacturer (DK), hose unit, tank unit
The company man­u­fac­tures wings by a casting method
Dry Disconnect Coupling DDC Coupling, loading arm, Diadego Distillery
Coupling solution Caol Ila DDC used for all distillery loading arm Dry Disconnect Coupling


DDC used for all dis­tillery loading arms, by Diageo, the British multi­na­tion­al al­co­holic beverage man­u­fac­tur­er, in Scotland.

Flogas AB

Flogas AB in Sweden is an example of a LPG company that managed the tran­si­tion to and the use of spill-free gas cou­plings, Dry Gas Cou­plings, very well. Flogas AB renewed the equip­ment in all its rail loading and customer delivery, and has today a much safer and faster system to load their trucks and rail tank cars.

Check out our YouTube channel

Benefits with Chemical handling with our Dry Disconnect Couplings

Listen to our R&D Engineer Lars, talking about his work with designing theDesign 2.0 coupling


Chemical Industry
Gas Handling

Design 2.0 – Dry Gas Coupling
Design 2.0 – Dry Disconnect Coupling

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