Stena Line Navigates Towards Sustainability with MannTek

Stena Line, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with MannTek, leads the charge in sus­tain­able shipping by adopting methanol as marine fuel. Together, they pioneer sus­tain­abil­i­ty-friendly so­lu­tions, ensuring com­pli­ance with reg­u­la­tions and driving ef­fi­cien­cy in the maritime sector.

MannTek was there early on and tailored con­nec­tions to the needs we had.

says Oliver Davidsson, Sustainability Lead, Stena Line.

For com­pa­nies like Stena Line, who have actively embraced methanol as a marine fuel, it is im­por­tant to offer so­lu­tions that align with cus­tomers’ needs. MannTek is a provider that can offer con­nec­tions and equip­ment for bunker­ing the right fuel, which is crucial for a smooth tran­si­tion to methanol. This strategy not only ensures com­pli­ance with reg­u­la­tions but also promises a sus­tain­able and ef­fi­cient future for the shipping industry.

Methanol coupling

Together for a More Sustainable Future

In the pursuit of sus­tain­abil­i­ty and greener al­ter­na­tives, Stena Line has taken the step of util­is­ing methanol tech­nol­o­gy since 2013. Through col­lab­o­ra­tion with MannTek, a reliable partner spe­cial­is­ing in nec­es­sary con­nec­tions and equip­ment for bunker­ing the right fuel, they have suc­cess­ful­ly nav­i­gat­ed towards a more sus­tain­able future.

This strategy not only enables com­pli­ance with the latest en­vi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tions but also creates a sus­tain­able and ef­fi­cient future for the shipping industry. With MannTek as a key player in this journey, com­pa­nies like Stena Line have po­si­tioned them­selves as par­tic­i­pants in the ongoing sus­tain­able shipping rev­o­lu­tion – the company has been pioneers in the use of methanol as a marine fuel.

Since Stena Line first began using methanol tech­nol­o­gy in 2013, the de­vel­op­ments and im­prove­ments have been sig­nif­i­cant. At that time, there were no specific reg­u­la­tions for methanol as fuel, but with IMO’s 2017 rules, the ships have been con­vert­ed to comply with these reg­u­la­tions.

A Reliable Partner with Tailored Solution

“Clearly, there are ob­sta­cles re­gard­ing methanol, for example, it requires twice the amount of methanol compared to pre­vi­ous­ly used fuels due to its lower energy content. For larger vessels, there are greater op­por­tu­ni­ties to build larger fuel tanks, but smaller vessels do not always have that option,” says Oliver Davids­son, Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Lead, Stena Line.

Oliver Davids­son con­tin­ues, “- This is where MannTek plays an im­por­tant role. MannTek is a reliable partner spe­cial­is­ing in pro­vid­ing nec­es­sary con­nec­tions and equip­ment for bunker­ing the right fuel. They have tailored con­nec­tions to our specific needs.”

Thomas Stöök, Area Sales Manager at MannTek, says “- We de­liv­ered the con­nec­tions in 2015, they were 3” DDCs (Dry Dis­con­nect Cou­plings) with break­aways to the truck side (they bunkered from a truck) and 6″ DDCs con­nec­tions and break­aways from the quay to the boat, they later switched to 4″ DDCs from the quay to the boat, which provided suf­fi­cient capacity. They have been using our con­nec­tions since then whenever bunker­ing.”

Safe and practical solution to increase maritime availability of methanol

Methanol plays an important role in the media mix for rapid, cross-sector decarbonisation – but often does not receive the…

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