Carbon, Capture & Storage project

MannTek provides all couplings in world first Carbon, Capture & Storage project

On March 8th, Project Greensand initiated First Carbon Storage, the world’s first, cross-border offshore CO2 storage project. All the couplings in the distribution chain are provided by MannTek.
– We’re proud to be a part of this world-first project, says Magnus Hallen, Area Sales Manager at MannTek. To reach the ambitious climate protection targets we need all possible options and CCS is a very important tool to mitigate climate change.

With First Carbon Storage, Project Greensand demonstrates – for the first time – the feasibility of cross-border, offshore CO2-storage across the full value chain.

Transformed into liquid

– The CO2 is captured from industry emissions in Antwerp in Belgium, Magnus Hallen explains.

Then it’s separated from the emissions, transformed into liquid, and transported by ship to the final storage. In this pilot phase, the CO2 will be held safely in custom-built tank containers during transport, but once the project is fully matured, the CO2 will be transported on transport vessels built specifically for this purpose.

– Then finally the CO2 is stored in the Nini West sandstone reservoir, 1800 metres below sea level in the Danish part of the North Sea. The fields for CO2 storage in the subsoil have been screened over many years and new groundbreaking technologies are being developed for monitoring the CO2 storage.

In full scale, Project Greensand can store up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year in 2025/2026 and potentially up to 8 million tonnes of CO2 per year in 2030.

The most reliable spill-free couplings on the market

Being the leading man­u­fac­tur­er of safe, reliable and easy to handle cryogenic transfer systems and bunker­ing systems in the world, MannTek was chosen to provide all the couplings in this pilot project. In total several hundred of couplings and hoses. The couplings used are DCC, Dry Cryogenic Couplings and CBC, Cryogenic Breakaway Couplings, suitable for the loading and un­load­ing of cryo­genic liq­ue­fied gases, such as LNG, nitrogen, oxygen, argon and ethylene, in working temperatures down to -196° C.

Protect both investment and environment

–Dry Cryogenic Couplings are spill-free quick couplings for safe and quick transfer, used on hoses and loading arms, Magnus Hallen explains.

– Cryo­genic Break­away Cou­plings are used to avoid spillage and damage as­so­ci­at­ed with drive and pull away in­ci­dents when loading and un­load­ing.With the most reliable release mechanisms on the market, our breakaway couplings provide safety at its best and can be adapted to be used in any application where drive of hazards is identified as a safety risk.

– In the long run breakaway couplings protect both your investment and the environment.

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